Bilingual Therapies Blog

Stay up to date with industry news, tips and tools. Not only that but learn how to grow in your career with resume tips, interview advice and career guidance.
Why It Pays to Apply for a Job You May Not Meet All Requirements For

We’ve all been there. Searching for our next job, our next opportunity, the next level in our career. It’s exciting to start that search! However, that doesn’t mean certain things can’t get in the way. You start reading a job description, enthusiastically envisioning yourself in this new dream job, and then…you get to the “requirements” section. […]

Bilingualism and Children with Language and/or Cognitive Disabilities

Children with bilingual abilities are often misunderstood when contextualized within environments in which monolingualism is expected. Common classifications like English Learners (ELs) and Limited English Proficient (LEP) fail to fully describe bilingual children that come from a home in which another language is spoken and is simultaneously learning English. Misunderstanding bilingualism can create misconceptions about […]

Strategies for Assisting Students with Dyslexia

Dyslexia is a common learning disability that can results in difficulty reading. There are several resources for school-based professionals to utilize in order to assist students coping with dyslexia. There is no cure for dyslexia however there are strategies that school-based professionals can use to assist students with. We have included a few of those […]

Spotlight on ASHA 2018

Bilingual Therapies was elated to have two of their clinical fellows present at this year’s ASHA Convention in Boston.  We know that the clinical fellowship year is a fast-paced journey, but Annette Cano and Michelle Hernandez found time to fit the convention into their busy schedules.  Both presented posters that highlighted their graduate thesis work.  […]

Autism Awareness Month Feature: the TEACCH Method

Providing support and instruction for students on the autism spectrum is not always easy. It takes patience, intelligence, empathy, and innovation. This Autism Awareness Month, we are featuring personal stories and connections to Autism from our colleagues and clinicians.  One of our wonderful special education teachers – Apryl Levy – wanted to share a method […]

Celebrating Special Men on Father’s Day

Children like to celebrate important people in their lives. Father’s Day is another time where we can focus on the special men in each student’s world. It is extremely important to remember the children that you work with to make sure that that not everyone has a father living with them, so remember to include […]

Lots of -ings for Spring

Children who are multilingual may have a more difficult time properly conjugating the progressive forms of verbs. While the -ing form of the verb remains the same, the helpers before them are important in the present, past, and future tenses. Since this might be tedious, think outside of the box and actively engage your students […]

Celebrating More Familiar Spring Holidays with Students

Celebrating More Familiar Spring Holidays with Students During this time of year, children will quickly notice items in stores and other locations about more familiar holidays. During the spring, many families will celebrate Easter or Passover. Of course, even if you do not celebrate, stores are filled with Easter bunnies, chocolate eggs, matzah, and other […]

Perspectives on Being a Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist from Clinicians at Various Points in their Careers

Greetings! The field of speech-language pathology, and our practice as bilingual clinicians, is always changing. Along with these outside changes, our own experiences make us evolve as individuals. It’s good to assess our own roles and views of the profession periodically, and in doing so it seems valuable to hear the experiences of others. We […]